For all of you who are asking me how my trip to India was, I’ll write a few words. India was amazing for me. India was a personal journey more then a trip. India is wild , magic, challenging. India makes you feel. So, let’s start the journey.
I have booked and decided to go India in the last minute. I always wanted to go for a longer trip alone ( with nobody that I know – friends or family) but I never thought it will be India. Thanks to Crina , who is a really friendly and open person I had a good vibe about this journey and I ‘ve decided to Go(A). It was a really good decision and from just taking a break, I hope I took/brought a bit of what India means to me in my daily life, no matter where I will be.
India is challenging, it is a land of contrasts, with a lot of colors and scents, with beautiful sunsets and most important with open hearted people. What impressed me the most in Goa? People. People and how open and joyfully they are living their lives. Many of you maybe fear India , but for me Goa was a magical place where I had fabulous experiences that allowed me to let it go(a) as I wanted and take more courage to follow my dreams and leave the fears and the need of control in my life. To just breath and be happy. Goa brought a big smile on my face, a serene smile and a light heart. I know my barefoot journey that started on the beach in Mandrem on a Monday morning will not stop here. I will smile to the world and believe me the world will smile to me back. I will keep my heart open. To summarize my journey: it helped me open my heart and now I just want to keep it like that. I made an inside journey that reminded me about myself, it made me feel beautiful and gave me strength to follow my dreams. If I could wish you something is to follow your dreams. It sounds cheesy but it is the best thing you can do for yourself. Don’t stop the journey with thoughts and insecurities, just say stop now and believe. I think the most beautiful people are the ones who are living to make their dreams come true. We all need stories , we all need beauty, we all need acceptance and we all need love. No matter how our past was, no matter where we are coming from, no matter the culture and color of our skin, at our core we are one. I believe in less competitively , more acceptance and living in the present because I was there and I was living it.
I will not share all the details of the journey with you because I want you to be curious, open and try it.
Go(a) is a journey, your own journey. Maybe it will change your heart. Thanks for all the lovely people who were part of my Go(a) journey. Hope to see you soon.
With love,